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Inclusion Faculty
The Inclusion Faculty provides structures and strategies to enable students with a special educational need and disability to meet their full potential, academically and socially, within school.
The staffing structure of the Inclusion Faculty includes a SENCO and a number of skilled Teaching Assistants. The school also works with other external professionals to address specific needs and maximise learning and enhance teaching; in addition to this there are additional groups to improve access to the curriculum including: social skills, family support and support during break and lunchtime for some vulnerable students.
Our SENCO is Ismail Yusuf
The Faculty strives to ensure provision matches the needs of individual students through:
- Identifying, assessing and reviewing the special educational needs of students;
- Developing students' literacy, numeracy and learning skills in order to increase their access to the National Curriculum;
- Providing tailored in-house support or referring students to the appropriate agency, in order for them to experience academic and social success within the school community;
- Adapting resources in order that students with additional needs have access to the curriculum and school environment;
- Developing partnerships with parents and students;
- Developing the skills of all teachers to enable them to continue to meet the range of individual need within the classroom and further the development of inclusive practice.
Please note that due to the recent name change of the Academy, some of our policy documents are still branded and refer to the school as 'Hackney New School'. However, all policies are relevant to 'Waterside Academy' whilst we are in the process of updating these documents.
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